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理事長的話 - Welcome Message from the President-Professor Meng-Chih Lee

Welcome Message from the President-Professor Meng-Chih Lee

李孟智  (會員編號:00030)

  On behalf of the Taiwan Association of Family Medicine (TAFM), it is my greatest pleasure to welcome all of you joining us, nearly 6,000 TAFM members and 17,000 primary care physicians in Taiwan, for 2015 Wonca Asia pacific Conference in Taipei. It has been 15 years since we had the same privilege in the year 1999. Just as one of the most famous Confucius sayings, It’s a real joy when friends come to visit afar and again.


  The theme of this conference is “Family Medicine: New Horizons and Challenges”. The programs of conference will therefore focus on prospects and their related problems/solutions of both current and future family medicine as well as primary health care. Moreover, through this conference we shall be in good response to health equity stressed by Wonca and to Professor Barbara Starfield’s teaching about the value and need of strong primary health care systems worldwide. As the President, I would like to thanks all members, especially about 130 core members of TAFM to contribute their tremendous and endless time and efforts to organize 2015 Wonca APR conference that has been the key for the success of this conference.
  AS your participation will certainly strengthen these efforts, we sincerely welcome you take part in this conference, and hope that you will have a memorable and fruitful stay in Taiwan.
Respectfully yours,

Meng-Chih Lee, MD, PhD, MPH
President, Taiwan Association of Family Medicine
Vice President, Wonca Asia Pacific Region

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