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個案報告(Case Report)
即時測量超慢跑對自主神經功能的影響 —前驅試驗的個案報告
心率變異性、慢跑、自主神經功能、autonomic nervous function、HRV、 jogging
林彥璋1 、江柏翰2 、江瑞坤3
自然牙醫診所1 、中國醫藥大學藥學系2 、大林慈濟醫院家庭醫學部3

林彥璋1 江柏翰2 江瑞坤3*

方法:本研究選在夜間7-9點運動場進行,受試者為一位58歲中年男性,配戴Polar公司H10胸帶,及手執有Polar sensor logger 3.0.0應用程式的手機,先進行繞圈走路持續10分鐘(時速約為2公里),接著超慢跑10分鐘(時速約為4公里),隔三天後,在同時段先超慢跑再走路,如此各3次,合計6次測試。分析比較走路與超慢跑時的心率變異性。
結果:本個案研究,經過6次小心地實時檢測,使用上述應用程式下載資料,分走路與超慢跑分析心跳、交感功能指標(LF/HF比率)、副交感功能指標(RMSSD),計算平均及標準差,接著做配對t檢定分析,先進行時域分析,發現心跳每分鐘平均次數,超慢跑時比走路時顯著上升(126.9±10.1 vs. 93.7±8.2, p=0.001),副交感功能並未達顯著差異(RMSSD: 4.3±0.9 vs. 5.6±3.1, p=0.378),再做頻域分析,超慢跑時交感功能比走路時顯著下降(LF/HF比率:4.5±4.2 vs. 17.2±1.5, p=0.002)
(台灣家醫誌2024; 34: 51-56) DOI: 10.53106/168232812024033401005

受理日期:112823   修改日期:112112  同意刊登:113122
通訊地址:嘉義縣大林鎮民生路2 E-mail: jkch68@gmail.com

ects of Slow Jogging on Autonomic Function by Real
Time Measurement: A Pilot Trial Case Report

Yen-Chang Lin1, Po-Han Chiang2 and Jui-Kun Chiang3*

Purpose: Exercise helps improve health, and health is related to autonomic nervous function, which finds an indicator in heart rate variability. The article aims at exploring the impacts of slow jogging on sympathetic and parasympathetic functions by measuring the heart rate variability of the jogger in a real time manner, using a wearable heart rate monitor. 
Methods: The measurement was conducted on a sports field at 7-9 pm. Wearing a Polar H10 chest strap heart rate monitor equipped with the Polar sensor logger 3.0.app, a 58-year-old male was asked to first walk around the sports field for 10 minutes at a pace of approximately 2 kilometers per hour and then to slowly jog for another 10 minutes at a pace of around about 4 kilometers per hour. After three days, he was instructed to start slow jogging first before switching to walking. The two exercises formed one test, and a total of six tests were conducted. The heart rate variability of the test subject during walking and slow jogging was measured and compared for analysis.
Results: After 6 careful real-time tests, data about heart rate, sympathetic function (as indicated by LF/HF ratio), parasympathetic function (RMSSD) downloaded from the aforementioned app were examined. Mean and standard deviation were calculated, and paired t test conducted. By time domain analysis, the average number of heartbeat per minute was significantly higher during slow jogging than during walking (126.9±10.1 vs. 93.7±8.2, p= 0.001). However, no significant difference was observed in parasympathetic function between the two modes of exercise (RMSSD: 4.3±0.9 vs. 5.6±3.1, p= 0.378). By frequency-domain analysis, the sympathetic function appeared to significantly lower during slow jogging than during walking (LF/HF ratio: 4.5±4.2 vs. 17.2±1.5, p= 0.002).
Conclusion: A brief 10-minute slow jogging can significantly decrease sympathetic function, while further research is needed to study the effect of slow jogging on parasympathetic function.
(Taiwan J Fam Med 2024; 34: 51-56) DOI: 10.53106/168232812024033401005

Key words: autonomic nervous function, HRV, jogging
1Nature Dental Clinic, Puli Township, Nantou, Taiwan 
2School of Pharmacy, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
3Department of Family Medicine, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Chiayi, Taiwan
Received: August 23, 2023; Revised: November 2, 2023; Accepted: January 22, 2024.
*Corresponding author

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