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原著論文(Original Article)
Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Mortality of Chronic Liver Disease and Liver Cirrhosis in Taiwan, 1976-2005
慢性肝病與肝硬化、死亡率、台灣、age-period-cohort analysis、liver cirrhosis、Taiwan
李龍騰1,2,3 、陳淑娟4 、李文宗3
台北仁濟院1 、台大醫學院家庭醫學科2 、台大公共衛生學院流行病學研究所3 、元智大學管理學院4

Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Mortality of Chronic
Liver Disease and Liver Cirrhosis in Taiwan, 1976-2005
Long-Teng Lee1,2,3, Shu-Juan Chen4 and Wen-Chung Lee3

Purpose: Globally, the morbidity and mortality of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis are increasing. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis were the 10th leading cause of death in Taiwan. To investigate whether the recent change of liver cirrhosis mortality in Taiwan represented a shortterm fluctuation or an emerging long-term decline trend.

Methods:We conducted an age-period-cohort analysis to show the trends of liver cirrhosis mortality during 1976-2005. A total of 103,871 mortality cases (75,540 males and 28,331 females) of liver cirrhosis, aged ≥ 40 were used in the analysis.

Results:The results revealed a decreasing secular trend in liver cirrhosis mortality over the last three decades on those aged 60 and above. In the age group of 85+, the mortality rate is 7.47 (95% CI: 6.24-8.94) and 25.0 (95% CI: 15.5-40.2) times that of the youngest age group (40-44), for males and females, respectively. The relative risk of dying from liver cirrhosis in 2001-2005 is 1.36 (95% CI: 1.23-1.50) times for males compared to the 1976-1980 time periods, and 1.42 (95% CI: 1.17-1.72) times for females compared to the 1986-1990 time periods. Those born around 1936 had the highest risk of dying from liver cirrhosis. The age effects showed differential age gradients between two sexes. The mortality rates for chronic liver disease and cirrhosis in the oldest age group of 90-94 were 12 and 66 times greater than in the youngest age group of 30-34 for men and women, respectively. The period effects showed that the mortality rates for chronic liver disease and cirrhosis were declining from 2004 for both sexes. For the birth-cohort effect, the mortality rates of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis were decreasing in men but increasing in women from 1891 to 1940 birth cohort, and both sexes all increase after 1950 birth cohort.

Conclusion:These findings imply that some important determinants of liver cirrhosis might occur early in life and operated their effects some time later. There was some effect after national hepatitis B prevention project in Taiwan, but still need some effort to control other factors that induce chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.

(Taiwan J Fam Med 2020; 30: 11-20) DOI: 10.3966/168232812020033001002

Key words:age-period-cohort analysis, liver cirrhosis, Taiwan 

1Taipei Jen-Chi Relief Institution, Taipei; 2Department of Family Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital and College of Medicine, National Taiwan University; 3Graduate Institute of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei; 4College of Management, Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
Received: December 19, 2019; Revised: January 22, 2020; Accepted: February 23, 2020. Corresponding author: Long-Teng Lee, MD, M.P.H. PhD, Taipei Jen-Chi Relief Institution 200, Guangzhou St, Taipei 108, Taiwan. email: ltlee@ntuh.gov.tw

李龍騰1,2,3 陳淑娟4 李文宗3

(台灣家醫誌2020; 30: 11-20)DOI: 10.3966/168232812020033001002

受理日期:108年12月19日  修改日期:109年1月22日  同意刊登:109年2月23日

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