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個案報告(Case Report)
缺鐵性貧血、鐵中毒、iron deficiency anemia、iron intoxication
陳郁涵1 、賴逸楨2
奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院家庭醫學部1 、長庚醫療財團法人嘉義長庚紀念醫院急診醫學科2


陳郁涵1 賴逸楨2

(台灣家醫誌2020; 30: 38-43)DOI: 10.3966/168232812020033001005

受理日期:108年11月13日  修改日期:109年1月7日  同意刊登:109年1月22日
通訊作者:陳郁涵      通訊地址:台南市永康區中華路901號 家庭醫學部

 Acute Iron Intoxication: A Case Report with Intravenous
Iron Infusion

Yu-Han Chen1 and Yi-Chen Lai2

Iron-deficiency anemia is a common medical condition in everyday clinical practice. Oral or parenteral iron therapy is essential in treating patients with chronic iron-deficiency anemia. However, excess iron can be toxic and even fatal to human body. This article reports a case of iron intoxication presented with vomiting and hypotension due to wrong dosage of parenteral iron infusion with the purpose of reminding primary care physicians to understand the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of iron intoxication so as to facilitate timely recognition, proper management, and necessary referral.
(Taiwan J Fam Med 2020; 30: 38-43) DOI: 10.3966/168232812020033001005
Key words:iron deficiency anemia, iron intoxication

1Department of Family Medicine, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Tainan; 2Department of Emergency Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi Branch, Chiayi, Taiwan. 
網站更新日期:113.05.17 瀏覽人數:25325448