郭玠廷 羅錦祥* 古璿正 金霍歌
(台灣家醫誌2024; 34: 221-226) DOI: 10.53106/168232812024123404004
受理日期:113年4月17日 修改日期:113年5月24日 接受刊登:113年6月28日
*通訊作者:羅錦祥 通訊地址:桃園市平鎮區廣泰路77號 E-mail: p0239229@gmail.com
Pulmonary Embolism with Main Manifestations ofAbdominal Pain and Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Chieh-Ting Kuo, Chin-Hsiang Lo*, Hsuan-Cheng Ku and Huo-Ko Chin
Pulmonary embolism, a rare but fatal disease, is often misdiagnosed due to its varied andnon-specific symptoms, thereby preventing patients from receiving timely and appropriate treatmentand resulting in a high mortality rate.
A 68-year-old foreign woman, who had just disembarked from a long-distance flight, soughthelp at the airport medical center due to syncope and upper abdominal pain. However, out-ofhospitalcardiac arrest suddenly occurred. With CPR, spontaneous circulation was restored, and shewas transferred to a regional teaching hospital, where pulmonary embolism was diagnosed. Afteremergency treatment, the patient's condition gradually improved, and she was able to return toVietnam for follow-up care upon the completion of the treatment.
Abdominal pain is a highly prevalent complaint in primary care; it is also a commonmanifestation of pulmonary embolism, a fatal disease that can be easily misdiagnosed. Primary carephysicians therefore need to maintain a high level of vigilance when diagnosing pulmonaryembolism and consider it as one of the important differential diagnoses of abdominal pain.
(Taiwan J Fam Med 2024; 34: 221-226) DOI: 10.53106/168232812024123404004
Key words: abdominal pain, airport, chest computed tomography, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest,pulmonary embolism
Department of Family Medicine, Landseed International Hospital, TaoYuan, Taiwan.
Received: April 17, 2024; Revised: May 24, 2024; Accepted: June 28, 2024.
*Corresponding author