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原著論文(Original Article)
藻類、飲食教育、菇類、第2型糖尿病素食者、維生素B12、algae、dietary education、mushrooms、type 2 diabetes vegetarians、vitamin B12
吳淑惠1 、陳虹雯1 、黃怡瓔2
佛教慈濟醫療財團法人臺中慈濟醫院營養科1 、佛教慈濟醫療財團法人臺中慈濟醫院新陳代謝科2


結果:發現在攝取藻類及菇類食物的習慣來看,其攝取頻率及飲食行為份量於飲食教育介入後兩組皆顯著上升(p<0.001)。在血清維生素B12≤200 pmol/L組,飲食教育介入三個月後之受試者血清維生素B12濃度有上升且達統計顯著意義(p<0.001)。
(台灣家醫誌2022; 32: 271-284) DOI: 10.53106/168232812022123204004

受理日期:111年7月26日 修改日期:111年10月24日 同意刊登:112年1月17日
通訊作者:黃怡瓔 通訊地址:台中市潭子區豐興路一段88號E-mail: a0953548268@gmail.com


Efficacy of Dietary Education on Vitamin B12 Natural
Foods for Vegetarian Diabetic Patients
Swu-Hwa Wu1, Hung-Wun Chen1 and Yi-Yin Huang2

Purpose: To investigate whether dietary education and individual guidance on vitamin B12 natural foods should be strengthened for vegetarian diabetic patients without oral vitamin B complex or injection of vitamin B12 so as to help them measure the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, while the patients' nutrition knowledge, attitudes and behaviors after intervention through dietary education were also assessed.
Methods:Conducted in the form of an intervention, the study recruited 50 vegetarians with type 2 diabetes visiting our outpatient department of metabolism. A dietitian provided subjects with instructions developed based on the health education leaflet on Vitamin B12 Natural Foods to help them learn and understand the recommended daily intake of the foods; questionnaires were then used to evaluate each subject's nutritional knowledge, dietary attitudes and behaviors, and nutrient intake with the changes of serum vitamin B12 level in the subject monitored before and after the dietary education.
Results:The habits of consuming algae and mushroom among subjects reported a significant increase after the intervention of dietary education (p<0.001). For subjects with serum vitamin B12 ≤200 pmol/L, serum vitamin B12 concentration showed an improvement reaching statistical significance (p<0.001) after three months of dietary education.
Conclusion:The study suggests that continuous dietary education does help vegetarians with type 2 diabetes improve their vitamin B12 nutritional status, and increasing the intake of mushrooms or algae in the natural diet appears to be conducive in helping vegetarians implement and promote healthy eating behaviors in their daily lives.
(Taiwan J Fam Med 2022; 32: 271-284) DOI: 10.53106/168232812022123204004
Key words: algae, dietary education, mushrooms, type 2 diabetes vegetarians, vitamin B12

1Division of Dietetics and Nutrition, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Taichung, Taiwan.
2Division of Metabolism, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Taichung, Taiwan.
Received: July 26, 2022; Revised: October 24, 2022; Accepted: January 17, 2023. 
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