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居家健康照護工作者、長期照護、職業健康、職場暴力、home healthcare workers、long term care、occupational health、workplace violence
陳佳玉1 、楊鎮誠2,3,4,5 、余尚儒5,6 、莊弘毅2,5 、郭昭宏8 、黃志中7,9
高雄醫學大學附設醫院一般科1 、高雄醫學大學附設醫院職業暨環境醫學科2 、高雄市立小港醫院職業病科3 、高雄市立小港醫院家庭醫學科4 、台灣在宅醫療學會5 、台東都蘭診所6 、高雄醫學大學附設醫院家庭醫學科7 、高雄市立小港醫院內科8 、高雄市政府衛生局9

陳佳玉1 楊鎮誠2,3,4,5 余尚儒5,6 莊弘毅2,5 郭昭宏8 黃志中7,9

(台灣家醫誌2022; 32: 245-256) DOI: 10.53106/168232812022123204002

受理日期:111年4月15日 修改日期:111年7月10日 同意刊登:111年9月22日
通訊作者:楊鎮誠 通訊地址:高雄市小港區山明路482號E-mail:abcmacoto@gmail.com

Current Status of Workplace Violence and Coping
Strategies among Home Healthcare and Long-Term Care
Chia-Yu Chen1, Chen-Cheng Yang2,3,4,5, Sang-Ju Yu5,6, Hung-Yi Chuang2,5,
Chao-Hung Kuo8 and Joh-Jong Huang7,9

Workplace violence (WPV) is a serious occupational threat for healthcare workers (HCWs). WPV can be divided into the following four types: Type I concerning criminal intent, Type II clienton- worker violence, Type III worker-on-worker violence, and Type IV personal relationship (or intimate partner violence). A high level of exposure to WPV has been identified in the healthcare and social work settings where patients form a common source of WPV (more specifically Type II WPV). Of all healthcare professionals, home healthcare workers (HHCWs) and long-term care workers (LTCWs) are particularly vulnerable to WPV due to the unique characteristics and requirements of their services, and home healthcare workers appear to be at a greater risk of experiencing WPV than their long-term care counterparts. Moreover, most scholars are of the opinion that the prevalence of WPV is very likely to be underestimated due to underreporting. Accordingly, the paper proposed four major WPV coping strategies for the two groups of healthcare workers. First, training courses should be planned and implemented to improve communication skills of workers and safeguard their safety during home and long-term care visits. Relevant committees or advisory boards should be established to streamline incident reporting SOP, provide counseling, develop safety manual, and monitor follow-ups of reported incidents. Second, home environment safety should be assessed using one of the several tools that have already been developed. Third, HHCWs and LTCWs should equip themselves with personal defense and protection gadgets and memorize emergency phone numbers for every visit. Fourth, related laws and regulations, notably Occupational Safety and Health Act and Medical Care Act, should be reviewed and amended on a regular basis to better prevent WPV in the home and long-term care settings. In the paper, we comprehensively report the prevalence of medical workplace violence, prevention and intervention strategies for HHCWs and LTCWs to stay safe while working.
(Taiwan J Fam Med 2022; 32: 245-256) DOI: 10.53106/168232812022123204002
Key words: home healthcare workers, long term care, occupational health, workplace violence

1General Division, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
3Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical
University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
4Department of Family Medicine, Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung,
5Taiwan Society of Home Health Care, Taipei, Taiwan.
6Home Clinic Dulan, Taitung, Taiwan.
7Department of Family Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
8Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung,
9Department of Health Kaohsiung City Government, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Received: April 15, 2022; Revised: July 10, 2022; Accepted: September 22, 2022.
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