陳澤元1 施至遠1,2 曾家琳1 洪德仁3,4,5 邱泰源1,2,5 詹其峰1,2*
(台灣家醫誌2024; 34: 195-208) DOI: 10.53106/168232812024123404002
受理日期:112年2月26日 修改日期:113年5月7日 同意刊登:113年6月18日
*通訊作者:詹其峰 通訊地址:台北市中山南路7號 臺大醫院家庭醫學部 E-mail: jcf036@ntu.edu.tw
Perspectives of Physicians in Taipei on the HomeHealthcare Programs
Tse-Yuan Chen1, Chih-Yuan Shih1,2, Chia-Lin Tseng1, Te-Jen Hung3,4,5,Tai-Yuan Chiu1,2,5 and Chyi-Feng Jan1,2*
Purpose: With the advent of an aging society, the demand for home medical care services in Taiwanhas increased. However, the current participation rate of physicians in home medical care remainslow. The study accordingly conducted a questionnaire survey to help understand the operationalchallenges and barriers facing physicians in Taipei regarding the promotion of home healthcareprograms.
Methods: This study as an anonymous structured questionnaire survey was conducted betweenAugust 2022 and October 2022 to solicit the opinions of physicians registered for practice in TaipeiCity. The questionnaire covers basic information, participation in home medical care integrationprograms, the current status, and challenges and incentives of home care for disabled cases by familyphysicians. After expert validity review and revisions, the questionnaire was administered tophysicians through in an electronic form. Univariate and linear regression analyses were performedon the results obtained from physicians participating in home healthcare programs (home medicalcare integration program, home care for disabled cases by family doctors).
Results: According to the 410 responses collected, physicians with less clinic sessions are morewilling to participate in home medical care integration programs, and female physicians tend to bemore willing to participate in home care for disabled cases by family physicians. Physiciansequipped with a better understanding of the programs are also more willing to participate. The topthree obstacles for physicians to promote home medical care integration programs were respectivelydifficulty in providing 24-hour telephone consultation services, time-consuming transportation, andinsufficient reimbursement. For home care for disabled cases by family physicians, the top threechallenges were time-consuming travel to patients at home, insufficient reimbursement, anddifficulty in arranging case managers.
Conclusion: To promote the participation of Taipei physicians in home medical care integrationprogram and home care for disabled cases by family physicians, the study recommends the followingthree measures: increasing the reimbursement considering transportation costs, providing 24-houremergency telephone consultation services, and establishing a more efficient communicationmechanism for case matching.
(Taiwan J Fam Med 2024; 34: 195-208) DOI: 10.53106/168232812024123404002
Key words: home health care, home integration care program, home long-term medical careservices for disabilities
1Department of Family Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
3Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University
4Dr. Hung’s E.N.T. Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
5Taipei Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan
Received: February 26, 2024; Revised: May 7, 2024; Accepted: June 18, 2024.
*Corresponding author