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原著論文(Original Article)
術前、戒菸、衛教、戒菸成功率、health education、preoperative、smoking cessation success rate
黃筠華1 、黃志芳1,2 、黃琨祥3 、盧佳歆3 、周佳佩3
高雄市立鳳山醫院(委託長庚醫療財團法人經營)家庭醫學科1 、中華醫事科技大學長期照顧經營管理學系2 、高雄長庚紀念醫院家庭醫學科3

黃筠華1 黃志芳1,2 黃琨祥3 盧佳歆3 周佳佩3

(台灣家醫誌2023; 33: 99-107) DOI: 10.53106/168232812023063302004

受理日期:112年9月8日 修改日期:112年11月24日 同意刊登:113年1月12日
通訊作者:周佳佩 通訊地址:高雄市鳥松區大埤路123號 高雄長庚家庭醫學科 E-mail: libra760924@cgmh.org.tw

Effectiveness of Different Types of Smoking Cessation Health Education for Preoperative Patients and the Factors Correlated with Cessation Success Rate

Yun-Hwa Huang1, Chih-Fang Huang1,2, Kun-Siang Huang3, Chia-Hsin Lu3 and Chia-Pei Chou3

Purpose: To explore the success rates and influencing factors of different smoking cessation education methods among patients scheduled for surgery.
Methods: This study is a clinical intervention prospective randomized controlled trial. The study population consisted of smokers scheduled for elective surgery at a medical center between October 2016 and January 2020. Participants were randomly assigned to either a video education group or a pamphlet education group for smoking cessation intervention. Follow-ups were conducted via phone at three months, six months, and twelve months after the intervention to monitor smoking status and assess point cessation success rates. Statistical analyses were performed to compare categorical variables between the two groups of participants and assess correlations with point cessation success rates.
Results: A total of 79 participants were enrolled (44 in the pamphlet education group, 95.5% male, mean age 49.47±13.52 years; 35 in the video education group, 100% male, mean age 49.25±12.96 years). Results indicated that, at the 3-month follow-up, the video education group exhibited a significantly higher smoking cessation success rate than the pamphlet education group. However, no significant differences were observed at the 6-month and 12-month follow-ups. Further analysis using logistic regression revealed that individuals using smoking cessation medication reported a higher smoking cessation success rate at the 3-month follow-up after preoperative smoking cessation education; the success rate, however, was lower for diabetes patients. Moreover, the success rate at the 3-month follow-up remained lower in those receiving pamphlet education as compared to those receiving video education. At the 12-month follow-up, the success rate after operative smoking cessation education was higher among participants with cardiovascular disease and cancer but lower
in those with a longer smoking history.
Conclusion: Preoperative smoking cessation education enhances the motivation and success rates of smoking cessation for patients scheduled for surgery, and traditional health education pamphlets appear to be less effective than health education videos. Therefore, it may be worth trying health education videos as a medium to enhance short-term smoking cessation success rates.
(Taiwan J Fam Med 2023; 33: 99-107) DOI: 10.53106/168232812023063302004

Key words: health education, preoperative, smoking cessation success rate
1Department of Family Medicine, Kaohsiung Municipal Feng Shan Hospital - Under the management of Chang Gung Medical Foundation.
2Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology, Long-term Care Management.
3Department of Family Medicine, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.
Received: Septembe 8, 2023; Revised: November 24, 2023; Accepted: January 12, 2024. 
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