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Measures against Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on TAFM Meetings and Events

In response to and in compliance with the CECC (Central Epidemic Command Center) instructions against large public gatherings, the Taiwan Association of Family Medicine has implemented necessary measures, including halting the TAFM delegation to the WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference, cancelling the TAFM Spring Academic Seminar, and reorganizing a series of physical meetings into video conferences. When in need to be held at physical venues, committee meetings follow strict preventive anti-epidemic measures to ensure the safety of TAFM members and participants. Major measures include:

1.Measures Prior to Events

A.Implementing Risk Assessment
Risk assessment was performed taking into consideration of the current status of COVID-19 epidemic in Taiwan, the nature of the event or meeting, and the characteristics of event participants.

B.Establishing Contingency Response Mechanism
For larger and longer events or meetings, the TAFM keeps tracing the latest development of COVID-19—both domestic and overseas—in a real-time, comprehensive manner so as to provide participants with updated information.

C.Advising against Participation
For prospective participants experiencing respiratory symptoms, the TAFM issues through a diversity of channels (printed invitation, email, text message, online announcement, etc.) our advice against participations and request for seeking immediate medical help.

2.Measures during Events

A.Requiring all participants and workers to wear surgical masks.
B.Providing sufficient supply of protective equipment.
C.Ensuring unobstructed circulation of fresh air at venues.

Temperature checkpoint with hand sanitizer set up for attendants prior to entering the venue of TAFM Board Meeting on March 15, 2020
Safe social-distancing rule observed at TAFM Board Meeting on May 17, 2020
A majority of members took part through video conferencing at TAFM Young Doctor Committee Meeting on April 25, 2020

網站更新日期:113.04.26 瀏覽人數:25092013