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Competitions for Excellent Posters and Oral Presentations 2018

※Excellent Journal Award List

The Excellent Journal award were selected on the 2018 Annual Conference of TAFM. The winners received their awards on the ceremony held on the 15th of July. Let us congratulate them all.

President Shinn-Jang Hwang,(4th Right) and Supervisor Wu-Shou Chang (4th Left) presenting the TAFM Journal Awards. Winners are (from left to right): Dr Yang-Ching Chen, Dr Yu-Chen Chang, Dr Heng-Yi Lin (award received by representatives), Dr Tsui-Yen Chang (award received by representatives),Dr Tsung-Ping Pai and Dr Wei-Chieh Hung.


※Oral Presentations and Poster Award results:

We have received a total of 173 abstracts on the 2018 Annual Conference of TAFM. We would like to thank the participants for your contributions. Congratulations to all winners.

Oral Presentations:

President Hwang Shinn-Jang (2nd Right) presenting awards for oral presentations first prizes. The winners are (from left to right): Dr Yu-Jen Huang, Dr Hung-Yu Chen, Dr Ming-Hsuan Cheng and Dr Hung-Yu Chen.


Poster winner are:

Vice President Shih Chin-Chuan (3rd Right) presenting awards for poster first prizes. The winners are (from left to right): Dr Pang-Chung Perng, Dr Pi-i Li (award received by representatives)、Dr Meng-Kan Chen、Dr Nai-Yi Shin、Dr Ji-Xuan Wu.

網站更新日期:113.04.26 瀏覽人數:25093190