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519: Happy World Family Doctor Day 2020 to All!

While encouraging local member organizations to develop their own themes for FDD (Family Doctor Day) every year, WONCA specifically embraces a most relevant theme this year in the wake of the global coronavirus outbreak¬–Family doctors on the front line—to highlight the crucial responsibilities and challenges confronting family physicians in pandemic management, highlighting their selfless dedication to the pivotal “first in, last out” role in the healthcare systems of their respective countries and regions.

In preparation for the 2020 World FDD, Taiwan Association of Family Medicine had reserved the Grand Hall of Taipei Main Station as a venue for a rich array of celebration events and activities on May 17. The reservation was later cancelled in support of the CECC (Central Epidemic Command Center) instructions against large public gatherings with major celebration activities transplanted onto electronic platforms. A celebration pamphlet focus on the contribution of Taiwan family physicians in the combat of COVID-19 was launched.

To all our fellow frontline family doctors, TAFM says with all sincerity and enthusiasm “Happy World Family Doctor Day 2020 to You All, and be safe in the COVID-19 pandemics!”

TAFM Celebration Pamphlet for 2020 519 World Family Doctor Day
TAFM Poster for 2020 519 World Family Doctor Day

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